A Blog on Surviving Womanhood

Tag Archives: Rape

There are very few things I dislike about being a woman. In fact, I don’t really have a problem with getting my period – which we here at the Wonders of Womanhood call a monthly visit of “Aunt Flo” – even though she comes with her over-bearing buddies ‘PMS’, ‘Cramps’ and more.

Jokes aside, one part about being a woman that I dislike is our vulnerability – our susceptibility to outward harm. That is, being a woman comes with implicit vulnerability – and if you have ever been afraid to walk alone at night, you will know what I mean.

95% of the time, I am not afraid – of walking alone, or being attacked. I am strong. I can put up a good fight. And, I’m well-versed in crushing a guy through his weak spots. But once in a while, something happens that gnaws on the secret fear I have of being a woman. Most recently, it is the Col. Russell Williams case.

*Warning: This post contains a few details of the Williams trial and case that may be considered graphic. If you are uncomfortable with reading some details, please, do not click “Read More”.

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